Not able to show up at protests because of coronavirus concerns? No problem! Here are some ways you can still show your support and be a good ally – while easily maintaining social distancing rules.
- Check out these resources from the Black Lives Matter website.
- Sign petitions, text/call, or donate. Playbill has a great, extensive article on resources.
- Voting is an important step you can take to ensure a more just future. Here are a few voting resources we’ve compiled to make sure you know your stuff:
- Rock the Vote: find out how to vote by state, register to vote, and more!
- learn deadlines and methods of voting by state including mail-in ballots.
- US Election Assistance Commission: a voter’s guide to federal elections.
- BallotReady: every candidate and referendum explained.
- Support Black-owned small businesses! Don’t know where to start? We’ve compiled a list of local Black artists here.
- Joining your local protest from your car or window: Protesting from your car is a great way to show social-distanced support of the cause, while still protecting you and your fellow quarantine-mates. This is a perfect option for those who want to be protesting who are (and/or live with those who are) immunocompromised and high-risk. This can be anything from posting up in a parking lot or parking space near the protest site and holding up signs in your car window (make sure you check for road closures, etc.)–or just parking on the side of a random road to protest and let your voice be heard. If you don’t have a vehicle and have a window facing the street, you can always put up a sign in your window from the comfort of your home to show your love and support!
Don’t forget to also use social media as a tool to spread the word and show some love to the Black community! Right now is a very important time to speak up, remain accountable, and show support – and using your social media platform is an excellent way to use your voice from home. However, make sure you aren’t using this movement as a way to be a performative ally. Check out this article for ways you can avoid this current trend.