Visual Art

Desert X Artist Relief Fund

The Desert X Artist Relief Fund, funded by the Desert X Board of Directors and the Desert X team, will distribute emergency grants to visual artists living and working in Southern California, including the Coachella Valley and desert environs, who have been directly impacted by the current COVID-19 pandemic. One-time unrestricted cash grants of $1,000 will be administered on a rolling basis until the fund is complete

Creative Community Fund

We pair people in the music industry who need financial help due to COVID-19 with people who can help.

Creative Industry Relief Fund

Hear Fort Worth and Film Fort Worth with assistance from United Way of Tarrant County have established a creative industry relief fund to help support musicians, artists, performers and filmmakers who have lost work due to COVID-19. The initiative spearheaded by Hear Fort Worth is an extension of Fort Worth musician Rachel Gollay’s Artist & Service Worker Relief Fund, which raised $10,000 and provided support of $200 per qualified applicant. Fort Worth Weekly, the local music resource featuring local musicians, is the first promotional partner for the effort, helping spread the word through its publication, website and network.The fund is open to local Tarrant County musicians, filmmakers and artists. Qualified applicants will be eligible for a one-time grant of $300. All applications received will be considered and funds will be distributed on a first come, first served basis.

COVID-19 Artist Trust Relief Fund

The COVID-19 Artist Trust Relief Fund provides rapid response grants supporting critical needs of artists whose livelihoods have been impacted by COVID-19

Coronavirus Loans

Has your business or income been impacted by the Coronavirus outbreak? Do you have an urgent need? Jewish Free Loan can help with Emergency and Small Business interest-free loans.

Columbus Artists Relief Fund

This fund is for individual artists only, not organizations or nonprofits. Their goal is to make disbursements once per day depending on funds received. Our goal is to get some funds to most applicants within 2 business days. If you applied and don’t get assistance that day or the day after, please be patient – it just means we’re still working on it.

Chippewa Valley Artist Relief Fund

If you are an artist/creative, living in the Chippewa Valley, in need of support due to event/gig cancellations, the inability to sell your work/book shows, and/or lost revenue from your day job being eliminated from the coronavirus outbreak, please fill out this form.